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A Guide to Choosing the Right Letterbox for Your House

· Home and Decor

When you settle into a new home, you mainly take care of the essentials for the inside of the house. The exterior often comes second. But there is one thing that shouldn't wait, and that's the letterbox. Every household receives dozens of brochures, letters and flyers every day, so having one is very important. Australia Post even has its own regulations about the size, positioning and numbering of the boxes.

What to Consider When Buying


Choosing a letterbox is not as simple as it may look. There are some considerations you should take. Just like any other country Australia Post has its own regulations about safety standards, size and positioning. It's in your best interest to buy the best letter box Australia has to offer. This way your mail will be safe and well-stored until you pick it up.

You'll stumble across many different styles, colours, shapes and sizes. Start by thinking about how, and how often you will be using it. Different people receive different types of mail. Some get only a few letters, and some are subscribed to a lot of papers, and get flyers and brochures. This affects the size. If you get more mail, you’ll need a bigger box.

Also, if you're using it for outgoing mail, it’s best to get a surface-mounted one. If you’re receiving a lot, then a slot style or a surface-mounted box will get the job done. People don’t receive their mail at the door as they used to. Nowadays you have to have a letterbox on the outside of the house. This should be a visible spot easily seen from the street.

The postman should be able to see it and reach it without obstructions. Besides being functional, you’ll want it to be pretty as well. It's best if you choose one that matches the exterior design of your house. If the house has a dark appeal, a black letterbox will complement it. If the house is bright with colours or an ordinary white one, getting a white, or a red box can be a good choice.

You can match it to the front door, the roof or even to some of the outdoor decorations. Your fence can be an inspiration as well. Sometimes a combination of 2-3 colours can work with the overall aesthetics. If you have any special requirements or you’re unable to find the one you have envisioned, you can get a custom-made one. A lot of manufacturers do that these days and they can give you exactly what you want.

Materials are also important. There isn’t an unlimited choice here because they have to be made of high-quality materials that can withstand many weather conditions. The most common one is aluminium. It's usually coated to make it as durable as possible. This choice depends a lot on the location you’re living in.

For example, if you live by the ocean, the best option would be stainless steel or aluminium. Both won’t rust and corrode because of the salty air. Some people go for wood, but it can get damaged over time, and they must replace the letterbox very soon.

Australian Post Regulations

As mentioned before, Australia Post has regulations of its own about the look and positioning of every letter box Australia-wide. As we know they can hold some important documents and keeping them safe is very important. The post says that the letterboxes should be big enough to fit and accommodate the size of modern mail.

They should fit at least an A4 envelope without the postie twisting or folding it to make it fit. The edges of the opening shouldn’t be sharp or jagged, so they won’t damage the mail. Also, it should allow for a clean slip of the mail. The postie will only deliver in post boxes with the approved size. They can be either vertical or horizontal, and if you receive any newspapers or non-mail articles you should have a separate aperture.

The internal depth of the box should be at least 230mm, the depth at least 330mm and the height at least 160mm. The postie also has rules to follow on the location of the letterbox. Australian Post states that the mailbox should be placed in a visible location, with no obstructions to reaching it. It should be placed at the edge of the property, on the border with the road or footpath.

If by any chance you have adjoining houses with somebody, both mailboxes should stand at a common point. Also, make sure you clean it regularly because the postie will have to take the mail back to the post office. In summary, make it visible, accessible and in good condition.

Types of Letterboxes

Pillar letterbox

There are several types you can choose from. The first one is the freestanding pillar. Just as the name suggests, it stands like a pillar, and it usually fits a lot of mail. It's spacious inside and can receive extra large parcels. The second one is the brick-in type. This one is very functional and space-saving. It gets installed into the wall or the fence.

The third type is the picket fence, which is very similar to the brick-in and can also be installed into the wall or the fence. The fourth type is the wall-mount one. The mail and parcels go through the front door and the mechanism gets locked. You access it by unlocking it with the key you own. These ones are not as big and can fit smaller packages and mail. The final type is the box and post. They have the classic look and are very functional.

How to Clean and Maintain the Letterbox

If you want to avoid replacing the letter box in just a couple of years, you should take good care of it. Give it a proper spruce-up once or twice a year. To keep it safe from corrosion and protect it from UV light, polish it with was or car polish. Besides protecting it, this will make it look pretty and shiny. If any of the hinges are exposed, a drop of WD40 will stop them from squeaking. Once in a while grab a cloth or a mop and dust away any cobwebs, dirt, mud or moisture on it. This will keep it in top shape.